
December 3, 2012

Downton Abbey: Old Tech for the New Tech Home... or Abbey

We adore Downton Abbey!
Unlike many who followed Downton Abbey since it aired on PBS as part of the channel's Masterpiece series, we only recently caught on to the hype that is Downton Abbey. Derek and I easily breezed through the two seasons during the Thanksgiving weekend, and now we're hooked!
 Downton Abbey presents an interesting perspective on the collision between old world society and industrial modernity. I particularly enjoyed the consternation the characters, especially Mr. Carson, displayed when a "new" gadgets was introduced in the house.
Seeing these turn-of-the-century technology made me want some of them in my home!
Fortunately, we can get some of the Downton's old world technology to our modern lifestyle.
Now we're patiently waiting for Season 3 to release in the States. I wonder what modern marvels will awestruck the House of the Grantham!
Show: Downton Abbey | Images: 1. Pyle's Retro Home Telephone; 2. USB Typewriter; 3. iVictrola
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